Hello There! This is Sally

I am currently a Software Engineering student at University of Waterloo.
I'm passionate about full-stack development, creating mobile apps and I actively try my best to improve my skills
I occasionally hack hardware for fun, and recently, I've been exploring IoT
as well as Pebble/Apple Watches development

  • Mobile
  • Github
  • Code
  • Hardware

My Hobbies
Or Unhealthy obsessions

The two things I can't get enough of are reading and hiking, some of my weird hobbies that are worth mentioning are urban exploration and people watching (this isn't stalking, in fact, they are two distinctively different things!)
If you want to know more about me, you can proceed to my projects and blogs via the Menu!

Get in Touch &
Let's be friends!

This site is built using Jekyll. The source code used to create this website is publicly available on my GitHub

If you want to get in touch, I'm just an email away!
You can also find me on LinkedIn

I Love Exploring
I Love Learning

I'm excited about new technologies, I like spending my time looking up new frameworks, learning new things and creating apps, whether it's mobile, web or hardware, I enjoy it all :D
If I don't know something, I'll learn it, and fast.
I may not be an expert at everything, I often make mistakes, but with time, I'll get better! One step at a time :)

My life as a coding monkey

Click on the Menu at the top-right hand corner
to know more about me, if you wish :)

  • Mobile Development

    I love creating mobile apps! I often write in Swift and Objective-C for iOS, and C# on Windows Phone 8 development!

  • Web Development

    I also make web apps for fun! I have experience in jQuery, JavaScript, MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and NodeJS.

  • Hardware Hacks

    Hacking hardware is my newly discovered hobby! I've worked with Raspberry Pi, Python, C, C++ and Pebble/Apple Watches!

  • Blogging

    I am also maintaining a blog on this website! This is where I talk about my thoughts & my personal experience.

  • Photography

    Of course taking photos is a hobby of mine. I also enjoy hiking, rock climbing and travelling!

  • Professional Stuff

    You can find me via LinkedIn, Github or Email! Here's my resume

Thanks for coming by

Sally OuYang